"Doug Bostick"
Courtesy of Sonny Walker


Attention All Hands:

Here is an e-mail from Doug Bostick of Patriots Point.
It looks as if our efforts may have helped.

I want to thank everyone that sent a donation, called or sent letters to your senators and representatives.
All of this was out of the love for a piece of steel.......one that has a heart and soul.....one that we love dearly.

Now I hope this is the beginning of the rebuilding of a legend.
This doesn't mean that we can stop getting donations. Patriots Point needs all the help we can give them.

Thank you one and all.

Sonny Walker

President USS LAFFEY Association


Dear Fellow Employees,


I know that many of you contacted the South Carolina delegation regarding the amendment to EXCLUDE museums from the Federal Stimulus Bill. Well it worked! The amendment was removed and museums (Yes – Patriots Point) will be eligible to receive stimulus funds!

We had great support from many of you, joining employees at museums across the country, to defeat this amendment. Members of our state legislature, like Senator McConnell, Representative Chip Limehouse and Representative James Smith, contacted Washington on our behalf. Sonny Walker rallied the members of the Laffey Association to write and call. General Tant also called retired Senator Fritz Hollings, who contacted Congressman Clyburn and his old friends still in Washington.

The Next Step:

We are going to Columbia this week to appear before the Joint Bond Review Committee and next week before the State Budget and Control Board. Both approvals are necessary for our proposed projects.

It is not yet clear how the state will determine to distribute the stimulus funds, whether by the Governor or the Legislature. The good news is 1) we are now eligible to receive funds, 2) the state will receive funds for projects, and 3) we have received strong support in the State Legislature thus far.


We do not yet any assurance of funding.  However, we are moving closer every day.  We’ll keep you posted.

Doug Bostick

Director of Development



Home of the USS Yorktown

Naval & Maritime Museum
Medal of
Honor Museum
40 Patriots Point Drive
Mt Pleasant, SC 29464
Direct:  843.881.5980
Cell:    843.697.4108
Web:   PatriotsPoint.org

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